I just got banned from Twitter (again). This time for 7 days.
So apparently I broke the Twitter rules. What was the offensive tweet?
Unfortunately I did not screenshot it before they took it down but it was something about “trans women” (in other words, men) who stick tomato paste up their butt to pretend they’re having a menstrual period out of their man-gina.
(Yes this is really a thing.)
I remarked in a comment to someone else’s tweet that men who do this have a mental disorder and are mentally deranged. Someone apparently reported my tweet.
Apparently I violated Twitter’s rules on “hate speech” and “violence” by saying it’s deranged for a man to stick tomato paste up his ass and pretend he’s bleeding from his vagina.
Am I right or am I wrong?
It doesn’t matter because either way, my account is locked for 7 days.
I think this provides for a teachable moment.
The rest of this in depth report is exclusive for my paid subscribers. It will be behind a paywall until the end of my current Twitter ban. Looks like that’ll be about 7 days.
It’s a great article about the state of free speech on Twitter.
I want to over-deliver for my paid subscribers this year.
This is an in-depth look at Twitter’s continued censorship and suppression of free speech in light of Elon Musk’s promise of “general amnesty” for banned accounts, which so far remains a promise unkept.
Give the middle finger (or just a polite “no thank you”) to censorship by helping support my work. Upgrade here for instant access to this in depth report.
Remember the old saying, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”?
Or if you remember GW Bush’s version it was more like, “Fool me once… Shame on… Shame on you… (long pause)… Fool m- YOU CAN’T GET FOOLED AGAIN!”
The takeaway, for independents, libertarians, conservatives, even true classic liberals:
We all have some things we simply must do now with respect to social media.
Things we didn’t have to do before.
We have to find ways to stay connected when and if we get canceled off certain platforms.
If we’re using social media — and believe me there are good arguments as to why we might not even want to — but if we are going to be using these legacy platforms like Twitter, even under Elon Musk’s ownership…
We have to be ready at any moment to have the rug pulled out from under us and find our access to certain social media platforms restricted, without warning, at the drop of a hat.
And we have to be ready to shift and pivot when this happens without losing momentum… and without losing audience.
This is where I failed… again.
I could (and should) have spent the past couple months encouraging my new Twitter followers to come over and follow me here on Substack.
That way even if Twitter cancels me again, they can’t separate us.
Over the past several months, I painstakingly built my spare backup Twitter account from zero followers up to 400+ followers.
My main account had several thousand followers and my backup about 400.
This one I’m using now, I found out, still has suppression on it. More on this below.
When you get locked out of your account it’s like someone takes away your phone and you can’t call any of your friends to tell them you just got grounded.
I can’t reach my Twitter followers. Sure it’s only for 7 days but I was enmeshed in some really active conversations and now it just looks like I bailed.
Shame on me this time. I should have been ready for this.
I should have been PREPARING for this from the moment I went back onto Twitter.
Well… Okay it’s lesson learned. I’ll be ready when and if they let me back on.
In the meantime, let’s have a look at what appears to be the current boundaries of what’s allowed to be said on Elon Musk’s Twitter, and what gets you kicked off.
What is the state of free speech, censorship, and suppression of tweets and accounts (aka “shadow banning”) on Twitter under Elon Musk’s purview?
According to many Twitter users, conservatives are still experiencing suppression of their accounts and individual tweets.
Julia on Twitter put a question out whether Twitter is still suppressing conservative accounts. Her tweet at the time I took this screenshot had received 575 Likes, 92 Retweets (RTs), and 156 comments from other users.
The legendary Catturd tweeted, “They’ve screwed up the algorithms so much on Twitter that everyone is completely invisible and engagements are almost down to nothing. It’s almost not worth being on here anymore.”
Then he continued, “This shouldn’t be hard. Take the F-king algorithms and shadow bans off so we can see each other!”
Catturd’s tweet got close to 32,000 Likes, and almost 6,000 RTs, and over 3,100 comments.
For my account that would be great engagement but for Catturd it’s not even a lot of engagement!
So let’s have a look at my three Twitter accounts and see what’s happening to yours truly. We’ll also have a look at what others are tweeting about happening to them:
My original Twitter account
My first and original Twitter account handle is @evankopelson and that account was permanently suspended during the Covid dem-scamic for sharing truthful information on how the CDC was faking Covid death reports by moving 2020 deaths from annual flu and pneumonia death counts and calling everything a Covid death.
In fact the number of deaths initially attributed to Covid in 2020 almost exactly equalled the number of deaths formerly attributed to flu and pneumonia.
Likewise, the reported flu and pneumonia deaths in 2020 went down almost exactly matching the number of reported number of Covid deaths.
We know from health records going back over a hundred years how many people die annually from flu and pneumonia.
They literally swapped the numbers from the flu and pneumonia columns in 2020 and added a new column called Covid-19, and they put all the flu and pneumonia deaths in there.
So I exposed this at the time and got my account suspended as a result.
Try and visit @evankopelson on Twitter and you’ll see the account suspension.
A further search on the website https://shadowban.yuzurisa.com — where you can check Twitter accounts to see if any bans are in place — reveals my account doesn’t even exist anymore. They wiped it clean of all my tweets, followers, and history.
My first backup Twitter account
After my first account got permanently suspended, I started tweeting from @realevantalks
This account has also been wiped of all my followers and tweet history.
My current “backup to the backup” account
The account I’m using presently (the one I’m locked out of for 7 days) is called Ninja Blog Secrets. The Twitter handle is @ninjablogsecret
As an aside, this Twitter handle is named for my old Wordpress training course on the Udemy learning platform called “Ninja Blog Secrets”. I haven’t updated the course videos since 2018 but it’s still available and Wordpress hasn’t changed much so it’s still good training. I will probably update it again later this year.
I never intended to use this Twitter account, nor to spend time or energy growing this channel. I was and still am hoping they will unban my original accounts.
But as the days, weeks, and now months have gone on since Thanksgiving when Elon Musk said he would begin unbanning all the suspended accounts, I have had no choice but to use this account since it’s the only one I’m allowed access to.
As you can see in the image below, @ninjablogsecret has shadow bans in place on the account. So even though I’m allowed to use it, hardly anyone can see what I send out.
If you look closely at the image above you can see the account exists (phew!) but it has a “Search suggestion ban” as well as “Reply deboosting detected.”
Let’s take a look at each of these types of bans to see how they impact a Twitter account:
Search Suggestion Ban
A search suggestion ban causes an account to not populate in search results when it is searched for while being logged out. Twitter seems to take “tie strength” or a similar metric into account. This means that while an account may be suggested to users you are strongly tied to, it may not be shown to others.
So in other words, even if people search for you by your exact name or twitter handle, with a search suggestion ban on your account, your profile will most likely not even show up in search results.
That means even people who are trying to find you actively will not be able to.
How sucky is that? Is that free speech? Sure feels like censorship to me.
Reply Deboosting Detected
Reply Deboosting is more insidious.
You can read the text in the image above for all the details but basically here’s how reply deboosting on Twitter works:
First, the algorithms determine, based on what you type into a tweet, if Twitter thinks your account “might engage in harmful behavior”
Then it hides your tweet behind a wall that people on Twitter have to find and click where it says “Show more replies” in order to reveal hidden tweets
I have never seen this option on twitter threads but apparently it exists
Then there’s other secret algorithm stuff that happens with your already hidden tweet, to see if Twitter wants to hide it even more
If they decide to hide it further, then even when people click that option to “Show more replies” it will even be hidden still.
Twitter looks at all your previous replies on threads where you didn’t post the original tweet, and somehow decides if they think you’re a good person or not.
If you don’t pass their social credit tests, your tweet and/or whole account will be suppressed and people may not ever find you or see what you’re tweeting.
They must think I am not a very good person, since my accounts are still banned and the one I am allowed to use is so heavily suppressed that people can’t find me even when they’re actively searching for my exact Twitter handle.
“Gee, thanks Elon” (I guess).
When Elon Musk took over Twitter, he said he would be reinstating all previously banned accounts who broke no laws and didn’t engage in what he termed “egregious spam”.
In a poll on Nov 23, 2022, Musk asked “Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts, provided that they have not broken the law or engaged in egregious spam?”
The poll results were massively in favor of general amnesty. In fact, Musk followed up with a tweet after the results were in, confirming that he would begin reinstating accounts right after the Thanksgiving holiday.
“The people have spoken,” Musk declared. “Amnesty begins next week.” Elon then concluded with the latin phrase, “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” which means “The voice of the people is the voice of God.”
Only hardly anybody has been brought back.
At least they haven’t been bringing back the small accounts.
Don’t get me wrong, Twitter has let a handful of top influencers back on and relaxed their rules around questioning the Covid scam and talking about vaccine deaths and injuries.
Those are all real and noticeable improvements.
But “general amnesty”?
It’s just not happening, or it hasn’t been.
About 6 weeks ago there were tweets back and forth between Elon and one of his staff and she said that almost everybody would be brought back within the month.
Didn’t happen. Still waiting.
If it’s going to happen, it could be soon.
This tweet went out on January 25th from Ella Irwin in Twitter Safety (the censorship department)
“Twitter Safety will be posting an update on general amnesty reinstatements this week,” Irwin says.
She goes on to say that they “will not reinstate users who engaged in threats of harm or violence, fraud or other illegal activity” and that they “will suspend accounts for this type of activity immediately.”
What is concerning is that whenever the censorship team uses words like “engages in threats of harm/violence” we have already seen they tend to suspend anyone they don’t agree with and then they falsely label those persons, accounts, or tweets as violating their rules.
With that in mind, let’s have a closer look at what got me banned this time.
I contend that I only spoke truth, did not make any threats, was not speaking about any individual, and certainly was not violent in any way.
And yet, I was advised when I got notified of my temporary suspension that my offensive tweet violated Twitter’s policy on violence and hate speech.
The strange thing is that I did not say anything in the so-called offensive tweet that I haven’t been saying openly for the last several weeks.
Here are some examples of some of my more outspoken tweets about the transgender propaganda around men being able to have periods and get pregnant.
Last week an ad was going around that shows a bunch of trans women (men) having their periods, with bloody underwear (why do they obsess in making us look at this?)
The transgender psyop is the gateway drug to the transhuman agenda.
I couldn’t help but comment.
You can see in the above image that some of the salient points include:
Men don’t have periods
Men with vaginas are women
Men who bleed from their vaginas are women
and that people who think trans women are women have a mental disorder.
So this tweet is still up and didn’t get me suspended.
And other people are tweeting about it.
Katherine Montegue tweeted, “I genuinely do not know how these people write all this shit about how trans women get periods when their biological make up actually makes it impossible. How do they expect to get taken seriously when they can’t respect facts. Feelings do not trump facts.”
Here are some other tweets about this issue of trans women having periods. You can see people are charged up about it, they have strong feelings about it on both sides.
Katie the Wifey on Twitter asked Ella Irwin from the censorship department why people are still getting bans for saying the true statement that trans women are biological males?
Paul Cornish put out a tweet pointing out that you can get a horn surgically implanted into your head, add a tail, and stretch the ears and nose… but it still doesn’t make you a unicorn. Good point.
Some Twitter users are tweeting about periods and how if trans women were ever to experience an actual period they would realize quickly they don’t want to deal with it.
And some are defending the notion that men can be women.
It’s truly an incredible time to be alive.
Empress Elite retweeted a screenshot from Brian Eric Parker showing a copy of an announcement about trans women getting free hygiene products, commenting that real women have to pay for their real periods but trans women are getting free products for their fake ones.
Meanwhile, Mia tweeted out a picture of a dude with long hair who apparently “presents” as a woman, and included a retweet of Kelli Paddon MLA stating that “trans women are women - period.” Mia points out the “woman” Paddon is referring to is actually a man who looks like a man.
The level of absurdity has reached epic proportions.
Trans Twitter user Maddie Tompkins tweeted out that “I’m trans and even I know Trans women will always be men physically and nothing can change that. Only women give birth, only women have periods. To say ‘birthing people’ or ‘people who have periods’ is straight up misogyny. If u can’t respect women are you even a trans woman???”
So what got me banned and locked out of my account?
It’s strange because in this context you can see that very little appears to be off limits.
I wish I had the screenshots of the offending tweet because it wasn’t anything worse than what you have already seen here.
But someone else posted the ad you saw above, the one that says “People Get Periods.” And I responded to their tweet.
Remember above where the shadow ban called “Deboosting” talked about how they look at the tweets where you didn’t post the original but you were commenting on other people’s tweets?
So that’s what got me banned is that somebody posted that ad and asked what was wrong with people who believe women can get periods. The person asked, “are they stupid? Or do they have a mental disorder?”
I can’t find that tweet or my response so I think the original tweet probably got taken down as well. But here’s how I answered:
“Well considering that trans women who get periods are men who stick tomato paste up their asses and pretend it’s real menstruation, I’ll go with they’re mentally deranged.”
And that, my friends, is apparently violent speech that violates Twitter’s hate speech rules.
So I wonder if any of my accounts will be reinstated under this general amnesty?
I’ll be anxiously awaiting the announcement later this week.
In the meantime, if you happen to use Twitter
Share this post. Here’s a sample tweet you can put out (copy and paste) on Twitter and other social media platforms:
Read this in depth report by The Real Evan J @ninjablogsecret into the current state of censorship at Elon Musk’s Twitter and Elon’s promise of general amnesty. https://evantalks.substack.com/p/the-free-speech-wars
There are some good things happening over at Elon Musk’s Twitter but as of yet the shadow banning continues and the banned accounts are still banned. Not just mine but a lot of people’s accounts.
If they bring us all back and let us speak freely, the world will be a better place, and maybe we can see The Great Awakening defeat Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset.
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