Here's a Gift to my Paid Subscribers
I extended your paid subscriptions by one full year and lowered all subscription pricing
You are more appreciated than you know
Whether you are a paid or free subscriber, remember when you hit the like button or share my posts, my content gets served up to more people. That is HUGE support.
As you may know, I’m in the midst of quite a remarkable transformation and it’s been taking up the majority of my bandwidth for the past year.
I hardly posted last year, as my adventures in trial lawyering have been all-encompassing.
To those of you who stayed with me through thick and thin and kept your paid subscriptions active even when I was not posting for months at a time, I want to thank you properly.
And so I just manually extended each of your paid subscriptions by a full year. For instance, if your annual subscription recently renewed on November 25th, then I extended your paid subscription for an extra year, until November 25, 2026.
For monthly subscribers, I also extended your paid subscriptions to run for an extra year.
Thank you all for standing by me and for having my back month after month even when I wasn’t delivering regular content.
I just completely revamped my paid subscriptions and lowered pricing across the board.
I’ve dropped all pricing at every paid tier, and changed the description of what comes with each tier.
For my free substackers, I want to thank you as well, and so here is a special limited time offer:
Effective immediately until January 31, 2025, when you subscribe to my annual plan or my Executive plan, I will manually extend your expiration date to give you an extra year at no additional cost to you. Subscribe for one year, get the 2nd year free!
That’s how grateful I am to you for reading my Substack.
Now for the big question you might be wondering about:
What will I be posting about in 2025?
I’m still working that out. I can tell you what I care about.
I care about freedom of speech and I’m concerned about censorship on any platform
I care about the digital/AI control grid and social credit scores being implemented by X in the form of blue check verifications and then telling blue check users their scores will be lowered if they engage with unverified users
I’m concerned about how many people have proved themselves to be no more than like the famous “Pavlov’s Dogs” who were trained to salivate at the mere sound of a bell, by their gleeful participation in Elon Musk’s ever changing rules for being verified and earning payouts on the X platform.
Many have already begun to change their settings to not allow commenting from unverified (ring any bells? “undocumented?” “unvaccinated?”) users.
I care about fake pandemics being launched every time there’s an election or inauguration, and concerned about people being gaslit into accepting new lockdowns, mask orders, school closures, and a repeat of everything 2020
I care about millions of people who died after being injected with the depopulation bioweapon, and concerned even more that still very few people seem to be aware of how many people have died
There’s a lot more, but there’s also quite a few more podcasters and livestreamers today than there were a couple of years back, and so I’m not feeling driven to report on the distractions and shifting Hegelian dialects the way I used to on the livestream.
Will I be making videos in 2025?
In a word, yes.
How often? What type?
Remains to be seen, my friends.
In the long haul, it will be worth it to stick around, I guarantee it.