Elon Musk’s social media app X sends shockwaves across the platform when in a wave of aggressive account censorship they remove the blue check verifications from quite a few high profile accounts and cancel subscriptions for several large accounts, which means the total destruction of the income earned by those accounts. What happened to Elon’s promises of X being a free speech platform?
In the above screenshot “Kekius Maximus” was the name Elon adopted to ring in 2025.
One big account had his blue check removed while another who did not both remarked about President-Elect Trump’s shift-and-pivot about H1B visas and going from the “stop all immigration until we seal the borders” President, to “I’ve always said we need to bring in a lot of people” President (see below)
To which I replied (see above) that both Elon Musk and President-Elect Trump seem to be pushing and herding humanity towards a digital control grid…
To which another X user reposted my reply and said that she can see the same indicators. Interesting. 🤔
Incidentally in terms of censorship and suppression algorithms on my “dirty unverified” X account (meaning that I don’t have the all-important blue check verification mark on my account, nor the boost of reach that comes with it), you can see the difference between my lack of reach vs so many other accounts and their expanded reach. Just look at the stats and engagement in the screenshots.
It’s worth noting that the entire X platform is up in arms about the recent demonetizations and suspensions.
And some X users can see through the veneer to what is actually happening.
Yes, humanity is being herded. Very few still can see it.
Now, at the same time as this demonetization and deplatforming of big influencer accounts, and/or very soon after, a wave of violent terror attacks sweeps the nation, while the #1 enemy of the people (the media) spins the story and won’t call it terrorism.
“But wait… there’s more!”
Meanwhile and over the last week, people all over the country are reporting a “strange fog” that doesn’t look natural, has a weird chemical smell, and many believe we are being sprayed with God-knows-what and people are getting sick from it.
Watch this video about it 👇
So what’s the rub? What’s happening?
Looks like there is a whole bunch of shit going down, and the people who have been critical of the establishment’s agenda to flood our borders, pollute our skies, destroy our food supply, and crush our economy, are having their voices squelched, silenced, suppressed, censored, and canceled.
I think it’s important now more than ever, and for a while now going forward, we all keep our eyes open, look for patterns, and be prepared for what’s coming: a full scale attack on our freedoms.
Stay awake, friends.